Behind every barrier is a story; a world between me and you. Once those barriers are shattered, others can see us for who we really are. My portfolio features physical barriers (glass, paint, water), as well as non-physical barriers (lighting, effects, double exposure), placed between the camera and subject to illustrate the different types of barriers we put between us and the world.
Images #1-3 inspired my sustained investigation because I found that the painted glass added a sense of obscurity to those images. I challenged myself to see past those physical barriers in my next set of photos by exploring the barriers we cannot physically see. This is reflected in images #4-6 where I worked with the dispersion effect using photoshop to reveal certain parts of the image. I then wanted to explore how we can be liberated from the things that make us form these barriers. Image 7 specifically shows the subject making an attempt to break down those walls through a powerful weapon, communication. The images collectively represent the cycle of breaking down those walls in an effort to form deeper connections with the world we live in.