Materials Needed:
A String of lights(LEDS, Christmas lights, etc.)
A subject and a musical instrument
Tripod and some sort of light source(preferably a flash)
Set up in a dark area (studio/darkroom) with a neutral background(the darker the better)
Tape the lights around the instrument you plan to photograph (the lights will conceal the tape)
Set up your flash at your desired angle (I feel that slightly off is best)
Set up your camera on your tripod facing your subject (the tripod enables you to get a clear shot of your subject when you use your flash)
Camera Settings:
(These can vary from room to room because of the colors and amount of light in the room
Manual Settings work the best since you are trying to manipulate the light in the room
100 ISO(or lowest you can go) → allows you to have more manipulation when it comes to shutter speed and aperture
10-15 second shutter speed(allows more light painting, but also prevents from too much light getting into the photo)
Move the aperture until your light spectrum is between -1 and -2 (tends to have the right amount of light to show your subject, but still be dark enough for the lights to stand out
The Set up (photo taken from the tripod with a flash to my right)
Common Mistakes:
Example of Photo on White Background (too much color)
Having a white background will create too much light in the photo
The white background will take on the color of the lights
Having the flash too high will distract from the colors of the photo
It will also show a lot of graininess of the photo
Moving the light too much in the photo
Won’t show the face of the person or the instrument
Having the exposure too high
Light won’t stand out and your person will be illuminated too much
Just Take Photos and Fix Later!
It is easiest to just guess and check for all of your settings
Every couple photos try and change what settings you are using
Try everything!
Try different movements, different flashes, times, lights, etc.
Fix photos in Photoshop and Lightroom later since none of these photos will come out perfect
ISO-100 shutter speed-15 aperture-4 focal length-27