I investigated the concept of different stereotypes and how people who are
affected by those stereotypes feel. I explored a variety of techniques, ranging
from digital edits, to cyanotype, to projector photography. I wanted to include
a diverse usage of styles and mediums because every single individual
experiences stereotypes in some way. Image 2, Boys Don't Cry, was my
original idea that further inspired my exploration into stereotypes. I was so
intrigued by the models expression and the way I was able to use text to
juxtapose the expression against the text. I soon found using text in photos
to be a successful technique because it allowed me to convey an emotion or
idea that the subject is affected by. In image 10 and process slide 11, not
only did I used words and medication labels to show the stereotype about
being medicated, but also tictacs and a tictac frame to create a pill look to
emphasize this stereotype. Through my investigation what I soon found out
is that stereotypes are ultimately the projection of ignorance onto an
individual, creating a false concept and placing the individual into a box. This
conclusion was something I highlighted in image 15.