I live in a community where we have to follow strict Covid-19 guidelines. I usually am drawn to taking photos with multiple models. I struggled to create interesting photos with a singular model. How could I make interesting images with still following these guidelines?The discovery of double exposure opened a whole new creative process for me. After mastering double exposure through editing apps, I tried experimenting with double exposure in physical ways. One of the attempts at this was the final product of Image 11, trying to transfer a photo onto a piece of wood. Double exposure also allowed me to show more of my models personality. Shown in image 3 double exposing the model, shows the sassy side of the models personality. Showing the emotions and personality of my models was one of my main goals. My next step was bringing a staple of the Covid-19 pandemic into my work. I did this through printing my images on cloth mask as shown in images 12 and 13. This year presents challenges, but instead of being held back by them, I chose to make these challenges push my photography to the next level.